Saturday, October 10, 2009

Halloween Treats

Ghost Cookies
I remember my mom making these when I was a kid. And they are so simple. Melt a sheet of white almond bark, dip individual Nutter Butter cookies into the melted chocolate. Immediately put mini chocolate chips on them for the eyes. And voila! Cuteness.

Pumpkin Cake
Here is a cake I made around Halloween. I took one to work and I had one for bunco. I used a yellow cake mix (Pillsbury, of course!) and baked it in a bundt pan. I spread icing on a sugar ice cream cone and rolled it in green colored sugar. I added food coloring to the remainder of the can of frosting to make an orange color, then microwaved it to make it pourable. Pour the frosting over the cooled cake and put the cone in the middle to make a stem (I put a non-icing'd cone under the icing'd one to make it stand up higher).

I think it turned out great!

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