Saturday, December 5, 2009

Watermelon Cake

Although the picture is messy, I had to get a picture of this cake before it was gone. I made this cake for July 4, 2008, also known as Joey's birthday (our cat)-oh! and America's!

I used Pillsbury (the best cake mixes around, I won't use anything else and they are only 88 cents at Walmart!) white cake mix and prepared as directed on the box. Then I added a packet of Kool-Aid (I tried to find Watermelon flavored, but I settled for Strawberry), any red colored Kool-Aid will work. Then added half a bag of mini chocolate chips. Cook according to the directions on the box using two 8" or two 9" pans. Cool completely. Using white frosting, remove about 1/3 of the frosting out of the tub. In the bowl of frosting, add green food coloring. Add red food coloring to the remaining 2/3 frosting in the tub. Frost the tops of the two cakes with the pink, and the sides with the green. Sprinkle mini-chocolate chips to the tops of the cakes. This will make you two cakes! The cake will also have a hint of the Kool-Aid flavor which is a fun surprise! Yum!

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